Hello, I’m Yahya Badran, a software developer. I work on Machine learning, graphics; and website devlopment.
Bt-lib : A Bluetooth API for the Unity Game Engine. It enables multiple connections and gives the user a simple way of handling threads to avoid overhead for video games.
Data Analyst: predicting revenue: Predicting revenue for different payment plans. The result is a model that maps payment feature to revenue expectation.
Data Analyst: analysing perfromance over time: Analysing the performance of an App over a period of time.
Trying to learn german: Personal project to analyse the German language and learn it quickly. It inspired langXlang.com (which uses a closed source code).
vanilla-transformer: Reimplementing the vanilla transformer with the latest pytorch version without jupyter in order to consume it as API.
k-nearest-neighbor: A simple C++ k-nearest neighbor implementation with different distance measures.
unity-tiles-builder: A 3d editor. It help you layout/tile 3d objects of any shape in the space.
shofarena-ads: A python/flask/HTML/CSS website, it was more a front-end than a backend.
opus_raw: A simple interface to the OPUS corpora with the Huggingface API.